DA Node

This document outlines the steps to become a DA Signer and run your own DA node.

DA Signer

To become a DA signer, users must have sufficient delegations to validators and register their signer information in the DASigners precompile contract. Registration can be automated by operating a DA node.

See DASigners for more details.

DA Node

Each DA signer need to operate a DA node to perform encoded blob data verification, signing and store blob data for further farming and get rewards.

Hardware Requirement

- Memory: 16 GB
- CPU: 8 cores
- Disk: 1 TB NVME SSD
- Bandwidth: 100 MBps for Download / Upload


git clone https://github.com/0glabs/0g-da-node.git
cargo build --release


Create a config.toml file and set the following field to proper values:

log_level = "info"

data_path = "./db/"

# path to downloaded params folder
encoder_params_dir = "params/" 

# grpc server listen address
grpc_listen_address = ""
# chain eth rpc endpoint
eth_rpc_endpoint = "https://rpc-testnet.0g.ai"
# public grpc service socket address to register in DA contract
# ip:34000 (keep same port as the grpc listen address)
# or if you have dns, fill your dns
socket_address = "<public_ip/dns>:34000"

# data availability contract to interact with
da_entrance_address = ""
# deployed block number of da entrance contract
start_block_number = 0

# signer BLS private key
signer_bls_private_key = ""
# signer eth account private key
signer_eth_private_key = ""

# whether to enable data availability sampling
enable_das = "false"

On the first run of DA node, it will register the signer information in DA contract. To generate a BLS private key if don't have:

cargo run --bin key-gen

Please keep the generated BLS private key carefully.


./target/release/server --config cargo.toml

Last updated