0G Data Availability (DA): Integration
To submit data to the 0G DA, you must run a DA Client node and the Encoder node. The DA client interfaces with the Encoder for data encoding and the Retriever for data access.
Maximum blob size
Users can submit data blobs up to 32,505,852 bytes in length, which are then processed, encoded, and distributed across a network of DA nodes. The system employs a sophisticated data processing flow that includes padding, matrix formation, redundant encoding, and signature aggregation.
Fee Market
As the DA user, you pay a fee which is the (BLOB_PRICE) when submitting DA blob data.
Submitting Data
See example here https://github.com/0glabs/0g-da-example-rust/blob/main/src/disperser.proto
Hardware Requirements
The following table outlines the hardware requirements for different types of DA Client nodes:
Node Type | Memory | CPU | Disk | Bandwidth | Additional Notes |
DA Client | 8 GB | 2 cores | - | 100 MBps | For Download / Upload |
DA Encoder | - | - | - | - | NVIDIA Drivers: 12.04 on the RTX 4090* |
DA Retriever | 8 GB | 2 cores | - | 100 MBps | For Download / Upload |
Standing up DA Client, Encoder, Retriever
- DA Client
- DA Encoder
- DA Retriever
DA Client Node Installation
1. Clone the DA Client Node Repo:
git clone https://github.com/0glabs/0g-da-client.git
2. Build the Docker Image:
cd 0g-da-client
docker build -t 0g-da-client -f combined.Dockerfile .
3. Set Environment Variables:
Create a file named envfile.env
with the following content. Be sure you paste in your private key.
# envfile.env
4. Run the Docker Node:
docker run -d --env-file envfile.env --name 0g-da-client -v ./run:/runtime -p 51001:51001 0g-da-client combined
Field | Description |
--chain.rpc | JSON RPC node endpoint for the blockchain network. |
--chain.private-key | Hex-encoded signer private key. |
--chain.receipt-wait-rounds | Maximum retries to wait for transaction receipt. |
--chain.receipt-wait-interval | Interval between retries when waiting for transaction receipt. |
--chain.gas-limit | Transaction gas limit. |
--combined-server.use-memory-db | Whether to use mem-db for blob storage. |
--combined-server.storage.kv-db-path | Path for level db. |
--combined-server.storage.time-to-expire | Expiration duration for blobs in level db. |
--combined-server.log.level-file | File log level. |
--combined-server.log.level-std | Standard output log level. |
--combined-server.log.path | Log file path. |
--disperser-server.grpc-port | Server listening port. |
--disperser-server.retriever-address | GRPC host for retriever. |
--batcher.da-entrance-contract | Hex-encoded da-entrance contract address. |
--batcher.da-signers-contract | Hex-encoded da-signers contract address. |
--batcher.finalizer-interval | Interval for finalizing operations. |
--batcher.finalized-block-count | Default number of blocks between finalized block and latest block. |
--batcher.confirmer-num | Number of Confirmer threads. |
--batcher.max-num-retries-for-sign | Number of retries before signing fails. |
--batcher.batch-size-limit | Maximum batch size in MiB. |
--batcher.encoding-request-queue-size | Size of the encoding request queue. |
--batcher.encoding-interval | Interval between blob encoding requests. |
--batcher.pull-interval | Interval for pulling from the encoded queue. |
--batcher.signing-interval | Interval between slice signing requests. |
--batcher.signed-pull-interval | Interval for pulling from the signed queue. |
--encoder-socket | GRPC host of the encoder. |
--encoding-timeout | Total time to wait for a response from encoder. |
--signing-timeout | Total time to wait for a response from signer. |
: Uses parallel algorithms for computations, maximizing CPU resource utilization.cuda
: Uses GPU for computations, applicable only on platforms with NVIDIA GPUs.
GPU support is currently tested with NVIDIA 12.04 drivers on the RTX 4090. Other NVIDIA GPUs may require parameter adjustments and have not been tuned yet.
Install Rust
Ensure you have curl installed.
Run the following command to install Rust:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
After installation, add the cargo bin directory to your PATH environment variable:
source $HOME/.cargo/env
Verify the installation:
rustc --version
Install other dependencies
# Install Protocol Buffers Compiler
sudo apt-get install -y protobuf-compiler
# Install a specific nightly Rust toolchain and rustfmt
rustup toolchain install nightly-2024-02-04-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
rustup component add --toolchain nightly-2024-02-04-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu rustfmt
# Add the necessary Rust target
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Install CUDA (for GPU feature)
Ensure you have an NVIDIA GPU with the required drivers. Then follow the instructions from CUDA Toolkit.
Verify the installation:
nvcc --version
Building Public Parameters
The public parameters for the cryptographic protocol are built in two steps:
1. Download and process the perpetual power of tau
We use the challenge_0084 file from the nearly most recent submission.
curl https://pse-trusted-setup-ppot.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/challenge_0084 -o challenge_0084
2. Build the AMT parameters
You can either construct these parameters yourself or download pre-built files.
Choice 1: Download the pre-built files
Choice 2: Construct the parameters yourself
./dev_support/build_params.sh challenge_0084
Running the Server
Run the server with the following command:
cargo run -r -p server --features grpc/parallel,grpc/cuda -- --config run/config.toml
If you do not have a CUDA environment, remove the cuda feature.
DA Encoder will serve on port 34000 with specified gRPC interface.
Using the Verification Logic
Add the following to Cargo.toml
of your crate:
zg-encoder = { git = "https://github.com/0glabs/0g-da-encoder.git" }
Use the zg_encoder::EncodedSlice::verify
function for verifying.
Benchmark the Performance
Run the following task:
cargo bench -p grpc --features grpc/parallel,grpc/cuda --bench process_data --features zg-encoder/production_mode -- --nocapture
Development and Testing
Run the following script for complete testing:
DA Retriever Node Installation
1. Clone the DA Retriever Node Repo:
git clone https://github.com/0glabs/0g-da-retriever.git
cd 0g-da-retriever
2. Edit Files:
Add the following line to Dockerfile.dockerignore file.
Replace Dockerfile with the following:
# Dockerfile
FROM rust:alpine3.20 as builder
WORKDIR /0g-da-retriever
COPY . .
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache make protobuf-dev musl-dev
RUN cargo build --release
FROM alpine:3.20
WORKDIR /0g-da-retriever
COPY --from=builder /0g-da-retriever/target/release/retriever /usr/local/bin/retriever
# Copy the config file into the container
COPY --from=builder /0g-da-retriever/run/config.toml ./run/config.toml
# Set the entrypoint to run the retriever binary
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/retriever"]
Replace the Config impl in /retriever/src/config.rs with the following:
impl Config {
pub fn from_cli_file() -> Result<Self> {
let matches = cli::cli_app().get_matches();
let config_file = matches
.map(|s| s.as_str())
let c = RawConfig(
Ok(Self {
log_level: c.get_string("log_level")?,
eth_rpc_url: c.get_string("eth_rpc_endpoint")?,
grpc_listen_address: c.get_string("grpc_listen_address")?,
max_ongoing_retrieve_request: c.get_u64_opt("max_ongoing_retrieve_request")?,
3. Update Configuration:
Update configuration file run/config.toml
as needed with context below.
Field | Description |
log_level | Set log level. |
grpc_listen_address | Server listening address. |
eth_rpc_endpoint | JSON RPC node endpoint for the blockchain network. |
4. Build and Run the Docker Node:
docker build -t 0g-da-retriever .
docker run -d --name 0g-da-retriever -p 34005:34005 0g-da-retriever