Run an Arbitrum Nitro Rollup on 0G DA
Arbitrum Nitro is a high-performance Ethereum rollup that uses a new consensus mechanism called "Nitro" to achieve scalability and efficiency.
0G DA is a high-performance data availability layer that can be used for Arbitrum Nitro to provide a cost-effective and secure solution for storing transaction data.
To implement this server spec, EigenDA provides EigenDA Proxy which is run as a dependency alongside OP Stack sequencers and full nodes to securely communicate with the EigenDA disperser.
DA provider implementation
The Arbitrum Nitro code includes a DataAvailabilityProvider interface, which is utilized throughout the codebase for storing and retrieving data from various providers, including EIP-4844 blobs, Anytrust, and now 0G.
This integration adds an implementation of the DataAvailabilityProvider interface specifically for Celestia. The main functionality for posting and retrieving data is found in the das/zerogravity.go file, where the data is stored on 0G.
GitHub repository
Find the repository for this integration at
WARNING: This is a beta integration and we are working on resolving open issues.