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DAsigners is a wrapper for the x/dasigners module in the 0g chain, allowing querying the state of this module from EVM calls.






struct SignerDetail {
address signer;
string socket;
BN254.G1Point pkG1;
BN254.G2Point pkG2;
  • Description: Contains details of a signer, including the address, socket, and bn254 public keys (G1 and G2 points).

  • Fields:

    • signer: The address of the signer.
    • socket: The socket associated with the signer.
    • pkG1: The G1 public key of the signer.
    • pkG2: The G2 public key of the signer.


struct Params {
uint tokensPerVote;
uint maxVotesPerSigner;
uint maxQuorums;
uint epochBlocks;
uint encodedSlices;
  • Description: Defines parameters for the DAsigners module.

  • Fields:

    • tokensPerVote: The number of tokens required for one vote.
    • maxVotesPerSigner: The maximum number of votes a signer can cast.
    • maxQuorums: The maximum number of quorums allowed.
    • epochBlocks: The number of blocks in an epoch.
    • encodedSlices: The number of encoded slices in one DA blob.



function params() external view returns (Params memory);
  • Description: Retrieves the current parameters of the DAsigners module.
  • Returns: Params structure containing the current module parameters.


function epochNumber() external view returns (uint);
  • Description: Returns the current epoch number.
  • Returns: uint representing the current epoch number.

quorumCount(uint _epoch)

function quorumCount(uint _epoch) external view returns (uint);
  • Description: Returns the number of quorums for a given epoch.
  • Parameters:
    • _epoch: The epoch number.
  • Returns: uint representing the quorum count for the given epoch.

isSigner(address _account)

function isSigner(address _account) external view returns (bool);
  • Description: Checks if a given account is a registered signer.
  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address to check.
  • Returns: bool indicating whether the account is a signer.

getSigner(address[] memory _account)

function getSigner(
address[] memory _account
) external view returns (SignerDetail[] memory);
  • Description: Retrieves details for the signers of the provided addresses.
  • Parameters:
    • _account: An array of addresses to fetch the signer details for.
  • Returns: An array of SignerDetail structures for each signer.

getQuorum(uint _epoch, uint _quorumId)

function getQuorum(
uint _epoch,
uint _quorumId
) external view returns (address[] memory);
  • Description: Returns the addresses of the members in a specific quorum for a given epoch.
  • Parameters:
    • _epoch: The epoch number.
    • _quorumId: The ID of the quorum.
  • Returns: An array of addresses that are members of the quorum.

getQuorumRow(uint _epoch, uint _quorumId, uint32 _rowIndex)

function getQuorumRow(
uint _epoch,
uint _quorumId,
uint32 _rowIndex
) external view returns (address);
  • Description: Retrieves a specific address from a quorum's row for a given epoch and quorum ID.
  • Parameters:
    • _epoch: The epoch number.
    • _quorumId: The quorum ID.
    • _rowIndex: The row index within the quorum.
  • Returns: The address at the specified row index in the quorum.

registerSigner(SignerDetail memory _signer, BN254.G1Point memory _signature)

function registerSigner(
SignerDetail memory _signer,
BN254.G1Point memory _signature
) external;
  • Description: Registers a new signer with the provided details and signature.
  • Parameters:
    • _signer: The details of the signer to register.
    • _signature: The signature to verify the registration.

updateSocket(string memory _socket)

function updateSocket(string memory _socket) external;
  • Description: Updates the socket used by the module.
  • Parameters:
    • _socket: The new socket address to update.

registeredEpoch(address _account, uint _epoch)

function registeredEpoch(
address _account,
uint _epoch
) external view returns (bool);
  • Description: Checks if a specific account is registered in a given epoch.
  • Parameters:
    • _account: The address to check.
    • _epoch: The epoch number.
  • Returns: bool indicating whether the account is registered for the specified epoch.

registerNextEpoch(BN254.G1Point memory _signature)

function registerNextEpoch(BN254.G1Point memory _signature) external;
  • Description: Registers the next epoch using the provided signature.
  • Parameters:
    • _signature: The signature used to register the next epoch.

getAggPkG1(uint _epoch, uint _quorumId, bytes memory _quorumBitmap)

function getAggPkG1(
uint _epoch,
uint _quorumId,
bytes memory _quorumBitmap
) external view returns (BN254.G1Point memory aggPkG1, uint total, uint hit);
  • Description: Retrieves the aggregated public key for a given epoch and quorum ID.
  • Parameters:
    • _epoch: The epoch number.
    • _quorumId: The quorum ID.
    • _quorumBitmap: The quorum bitmap.
  • Returns:
    • aggPkG1: The aggregated public key.
    • total: The number of rows.
    • hit: The number of rows that contributed to the aggregation.