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WrappedA0GIBase is a wrapper for the x/wrapped-a0gi-base module in the 0g chain. Wrapped A0GI is a wrapped ERC20 token for native A0GI. It supports quota-based mint/burn functions based on native A0GI transfers, on top of traditional wrapped token implementation. The minting/burning quota for each address will be determined through governance voting. x/wrapped-a0gi-base is the module that supports and maintains the minting/burning quota.

In most cases this precompile should be only called by WA0GI contract.






struct Supply {
uint256 cap;
uint256 initialSupply;
uint256 supply;
  • Description: Defines the supply details of a minter, including the cap, initial supply, and the current supply.

  • Fields:

    • cap: The maximum allowed mint supply for the minter.
    • initialSupply: The initial mint supply to the minter, equivalent to the initial allowed burn amount.
    • supply: The current mint supply used by the minter, set to initialSupply at beginning.



function getWA0GI() external view returns (address);
  • Description: Retrieves the address of the wrapped A0GI (WA0GI) contract.
  • Returns: address of the WA0GI contract.

minterSupply(address minter)

function minterSupply(address minter) external view returns (Supply memory);
  • Description: Retrieves the mint supply details for a given minter.
  • Parameters:
    • minter: The address of the minter.
  • Returns: A Supply structure containing the mint cap, initial supply, and current supply of the specified minter.

mint(address minter, uint256 amount)

function mint(address minter, uint256 amount) external;
  • Description: Mints A0GI to WA0GI contract and adds the corresponding amount to the minter's mint supply. If the minter's final mint supply exceeds their mint cap, the transaction will revert.
  • Parameters:
    • minter: The address of the minter.
    • amount: The amount of A0GI to mint.
  • Restrictions: Can only be called by the WA0GI contract.

burn(address minter, uint256 amount)

function burn(address minter, uint256 amount) external;
  • Description: Burns the specified amount of A0GI in WA0GI contract on behalf of the minter and reduces the corresponding amount from the minter's mint supply.
  • Parameters:
    • minter: The address of the minter.
    • amount: The amount of A0GI to burn.
  • Restrictions: Can only be called by the WA0GI contract.